A Virtual Private Network, or a “VPN”, is an encryption tool that functions as a firewall between you and the Internet to protect your internet connection and online privacy by putting you in total control of your IP address.
Essential in any place with a free public Wi-Fi (think of the free Wi-Fi that is available in an airport, hotel lobby, coffee shop, library, and more), a VPN is a digital privacy tool that protects your online activity and data. If you’re ever connected to a free public Wi-Fi without using a VPN, there’s a chance that your online activity is being tracked or spied on, which is why VPNs are so integral to your digital safety - a VPN prevents anyone except you from seeing or accessing your data.
The websites you visit, apps you use, and even just your ISP can track your online activity and your personal information. A VPN will prevent this from happening so that your information stays secure and private. With rising cases every day of identity theft, using a VPN to encrypt your IP address makes navigating the Internet, and managing your digital information and data safer - VPNs increase your security if you’re working in the office, travelling someplace new, or if you’re relaxing at home.
Some ISPs will place data caps on their customers to slow down your service if they feel you’re using too much bandwidth to keep their overhead costs low. This often happens when the ISP is overwhelmed with streaming services, gaming, or other instances that require additional bandwidth, and they will target individual users who commonly use these types of services and reduce the user’s connection speed. By using a VPN, not only will your data be inaccessible to their prying eyes, but you also won't be subject to a data cap since they won’t know which IP address to throttle.
If you’re attempting to access websites, platforms, or articles that are geographically-blocked, using a VPN can help you. By changing your IP address to a location within the geographical boundaries of the site, the website or content provider will think that you’re within the location or region that allows access, and will allow you to access the previously inaccessible content.
When your ISP tracks your searches and site history, this means that they can sell logs of your browsing history and your daily online data and sell them to third parties for profit. This also opens your data up to hackers who are looking for easy targets. A VPN will stop your ISP, websites, and anyone else from accessing, viewing, and selling your private data.
With thousands of data breaches and leaks happening across the world every day, hackers and data collectors have learned to target easy-to-access private data from average people, families, and businesses. Now more than ever it is imperative to ensure that your data is not put into a vulnerable spot. By using a strong VPN, you can safely browse the Internet without worrying that your sensitive and personal information will be anything other than safe and secure.
By creating an encrypted tunnel for your online data and activity, using a VPN allows you to change your virtual location, securely use public Wi-Fi hotspots, and ensure private browsing.
When you connect your computer, smartphone, or other device to a VPN, your network traffic will be sent over an encrypted connection to and from the VPN. This makes your device act as if it is on the same local network as the VPN, and so when your device contacts a website through the encrypted VPN connection, your VPN provider will forward the request from you to the website. This ensures that everything your Internet Service Provider (ISP) would normally see is hidden, and no one except you can see your digital information.
However, this also means that anything your ISP would normally see is now technically accessible by your VPN provider, which is why it is so important to choose a trusted VPN provider. Make sure to actually research the privacy policies and terms of service to find out what information (if any) is actually recorded.
When you’re doing your research on the best VPN providers, the main items you’ll want to look for how long VPN logs are stored for, what type of logs are stored, and where the VPN company is based.
Having established itself as a benchmark for privacy, Switzerland is one of the world’s leading countries in online consumer protection, and has some of the strongest privacy laws on the planet. Because it is not a member of the European Union (EU) or the 14-Eyes Alliance countries, Switzerland’s privacy laws are not subject to outside pressure or influence. Additionally, under Swiss law, surveillance requests must be disclosed to individuals, which adds an additional layer of protection for the user.
Because our VPN partner is based in Switzerland, they must adhere to all Swiss protection privacy laws, making it one of the safest VPN services in the world.
VPNs are essential no matter if you’re relaxing at home, hard at work, or travelling someplace new. A VPN service will protect your data and safeguard it so that your personal data can stay safe and secure, no matter your location.
When you access the Internet from your home, you are likely doing so through a private and secured Wi-Fi, which should have a unique password. This protection should be enough to prevent hackers, trackers, and spies from seeing your Internet activity. Of course, your Wi-Fi must be protected by a complex and strong enough password that cannot be guessed.
As an additional layer of protection, Wi-Fi routers often come with a default password. However, these can easily be found online, so it’s generally a good idea to change your default password to something unique.
While these password protections will help shield you from most cyber security threats, your ISP, the websites you visit, and even the apps you use still can track your online activity and your personal information. Because of this, it’s always a good idea to use a trusted VPN even when you’re on a secured Wi-Fi network.
Additionally, when you’re working at the airport, hotel, or even just in a cafe, public Wi-Fi connections are hotspots for potential hackers and would-be identity thieves. Using a VPN in these instances will encrypt your data and keep it away from anyone looking to profit off your data.
A VPN lets you defeat global censorship, securely access your favorite online entertainment anywhere in the world, and prevent third parties from seeing your usage data, allowing you to enjoy the Internet knowing your online traffic is always encrypted and protected.
Using a VPN is simple and easy - with just the click of a button, you can protect an unlimited number of devices. Begin protecting all of your incoming and outgoing data today.
We’ll go over how to use a VPN in 3 easy steps:
Download your VPN app After you’ve signed up for a Newshosting plan that includes VPN, simply download the VPN app on your devices.
Set up the VPN app VPN is extremely easy to install and on most devices takes no more than 3 clicks to get started protecting your online data. With 24/7 customer support, you have around-the-clock access to a dedicated customer support team if you do have any issues getting started and setup with VPN.
Connect to a VPN server Now you’re ready to start enjoying total privacy and security while browsing the Internet! Simply click on one of the available VPN servers on your VPN app to begin your encrypted connection - as a general rule of thumb, the closer the server you’re connecting to is to your physical location, the faster service you’ll likely have.
As soon as you connect to a server, you’ll be instantly protected on your PC, smartphone, or tablet, whether you’re at home or on the go.
Our fast and easy-to-use VPN ensures a strict privacy policy so your online data stays completely private and secure. They do not store ANY records of your digital data or online activity so that you can rest assured that you’re completely safe and secure.
Because our VPN partner's service is based in Switzerland, users are protected by the strongest consumer privacy laws in the world. Because Switzerland is not a part of the European Union (EU) or the 14-Eyes Alliance countries, Swiss-based VPN services are significantly more secure than VPN services based in any other country, as their privacy laws are not subject to any outside pressure or influences.
Get the fastest possible downloads with a secure IP address. With a VPN, your data transfers will remain safe and secure. Many users use SOCKS5 proxy in addition to the standard VPN service to achieve both speed and security for their needs.
Our partner's VPN has a kill switch available on the client and app so that if you ever get disconnected from the VPN service, all of your online activity will be suspended until your VPN connection is re-established. This is an imperative feature in the case of an emergency so that you never send unsecured data, even by accident.
Get access to three powerful types of encryption protocols with different protocol options: OpenVPN, which is considered to be the strongest encryption protocol available, IKEv2 which provides high levels of security but with faster speeds compared to OpenVPN, and SOCKS5 proxy, which is the fastest encryption protocol available.
Ultra-secure and hyper effective, the VPN client is simple and easy-to-use. Protecting your privacy takes just one click. Ensure that all of your data is encrypted, private, and sent through a secure tunnel when you get started with VPN added to your Newshosting plan.
Change your virtual address at any time so you can view content that’s only available in a specific location, no matter where you physically are located. With 228 servers across 49 countries all over the globe, you’ll be able to find a virtual location to meet your needs.
As we rely more heavily on technology, any unsecured device that connects to the Internet has the potential to act as a backdoor for hackers, trackers, and spies. Secure all of your devices with unlimited VPN so that you can protect you and your family’s phones, laptops, tablets, routers, and other devices.
With servers across the globe, your included VPN service is optimized for the fastest connections and speeds so you don’t have to sacrifice speed for security. With a premium network consisting of the fastest VPN servers available and the most secure service possible, you never have to sacrifice performance for privacy when you sign up for a plan that includes VPN today.
With a network of servers located around the world, enjoy a stable, fast, and reliable connection when you go online. Bypass geo-blocked censors and stay safe and secure, no matter where you physically are located.
Did you know that Internet protocols like DNS, IPv4, and IPv6 can leak your personal data? “IP Leaking” or “DNS Leaking” makes it easy for trackers and hackers to see what you’re doing online. Protect yourself and stop this from happening when you get started with VPN - with VPN, you don’t have to worry about your private information being leaked since your connection is protected with the best-in-class encryption protocols.
Our professional support team is available and ready to help you whenever, wherever. Get the questions you have answered and the help you need immediately from our 24/7 dedicated support team.
A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is an encryption tool that puts you in total control of your IP address by allowing you to change your virtual location, enjoy total online privacy, and secure your data.
Get StartedAccess one of the fastest and most secure premium server networks in the world. With over 228 servers across 49 countries, users can enjoy the best VPN service from one of the most reliable VPN service providers in the world. With the strongest privacy policy available, VPN users can rest easy knowing that their privacy and online activity is protected from any trackers, hackers, spies, and snoops.
Get StartedWith the strongest encryption technology in the world, VPN helps keep your data private and secure. Hackers, trackers, 3rd-party companies, governments, and even your own ISP will not be able to see your online activity when your device is protected with VPN. Connect to a premium VPN server and start protecting your data immediately.
Easy to install, and even easier to use, our partner's VPN will enhance your online security and protect your digital privacy with the click of a button. Your virtual safety doesn’t have to be a headache, and it doesn’t have to cost you anything! Check out our Newshosting plans that offer VPN for free, and see how easy it is to protect your personal data with VPN.
Get Protected NowGet VPN on any device that connects to the Internet.
And More!
Access hundreds of the best VPN server locations worldwide.
VPN encrypts and masks all of your Internet activity so that you can rest easy knowing your digital data is completely secure and private.
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